Neorcha myCheckin at 11 Rotana Hotels - Neorcha

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Neorcha myCheckin at 11 Rotana Hotels Neorcha myCheckin at 11 Rotana Hotels

Neorcha myCheckin at 11 Rotana Hotels

3 Juil, 2023

We are delighted to continue our long-standing collaboration with Rotana Hotels and Resorts and work closely with their hotel teams to further elevate their digital guest journey.

Since the beginning of this year, we have implemented iSign in 11 Rotana properties across the region. For some hotels this was an additional feature to their existing Neorcha solutions while others were newly opened properties for the brand.

With myCheckin iSign, hotels can eliminate the use of paper at the front desk using our paperless e-registration and e-folio system, saving not just valuable time and cost but making operations greener and more seamless for the guest.

Neorcha myCheckin at 11 Rotana Hotels
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